Nike React X Raise the Bar, Go Far

Client Nike
Category Visual Identity
Year 2018
Nike held a competition through Talenthouse calling for illustrators and designers to create artwork for the release of their new Nike React shoe. 
    The brief asked that all submissions carefully considered the new Nike technology, and included palettes set by Nike alongside the sole pattern. 
    The title of the brief was named ‘Go Far’ but asked submitters to create a concept behind the chosen visual identity, mine being ‘Raise the Bar, Go Far.’
      I wanted my submission to be fun, energetic, engaging and inclusive. I have purposely focused on vibrant & contagious motifs that subtly allude to movement, road signs with geometric lines, and the foam sole. I didn't want any gender, race or body shape to feel excluded from Nike and so making the decision to not introduce the human figure was a conscious decision. In terms of the target audience, I wanted this to feel fresh, fun and contemporary - something that would appeal to 17-24 year olds (target audience) and make them stop whilst scrolling. I also felt as though it was important to use the colour palette heavily, although I have alternate versions with contrasting colours.

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